Sunday, May 29, 2011

Commercial Photography

A popular and common commercial photography assignment undertaken by professional photographers is wedding photography. Generally, this involves covering not just the wedding day events but other important rituals and functions preceding the wedding day.

In the pre-digital days, it was a daunting task to undertake a photography assignment. The limitations of film camera equipment, heavy lenses and the fact that there was no room for error, led only the professional photographers doing most of the jobs. With advent of digital photography, the dynamics of the entire commercial photography underwent a paradigm shift.

The entire lineage of old studios with dark rooms, chemicals and staff were replaced with the digital darkroom editing software like Adobe Photo Shop, Apple Aperture etc. While these two remain the most popular editing software, there are plethora of free editing software available that many of the amateurs prefer to use due to the daunting costs of commercial editing software and flexibility to experiment as well as learn with minimum / least cost.

A commercial photographer today is equipped with: digital camera typically above 18 Mega Pixels, a dedicated external strobe flash, light weight tripod, memory cards and sometime external flood lights. The most expensive set of equipment is generally not the camera, but the lenses required to cover an event or complete commercial assignments that require a wide range of subjects to be covered. The best example being, the industrial photography assignments in which the photographer is expected to capture the top-management photo-shoots as well as the industrial processes which may involve the making of parts, melting of steel, foundry photography, manufacturing, assembly lines etc.

Commercial photography although challenging, does not give good financial returns, as some clients fail to understand the efforts involved in the photo-shoot followed by hours of post-production and editing done on the images to make them appealing to the target audience. The most common usage of the commercial images are magazines, brochures, product manuals and the client's web site and presentations.

For each of the final platforms on which the photograph is going to be delivered, the editing and post-processing requirements change. For example, if the final output platform is going to be a website there is no need of working on the print quality images, resized images will suffice.

Commercial photography offers many practical and logistical challenges to the photographer. The industrial photographers are required to know the location, time and have to study the various angles at which the photograph can be captured. Sometimes, on location photography may be done at night, when there is lot of external artificial lighting setup for giving the optimum effect.

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