Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Top 5 Tips For Using an SLR Digital Camera

Stepping up from your classic point-and-shoot to a more advanced DSLR is an exciting time for any photographer. But like anything, new features mean nothing if you don't know how to utilize them. Here's five tips that should help you get the most out of your camera.

1. Using Aperture

Basically aperture controls how much of the picture in your viewfinder will be in focus. A high aperture means everything will be in focus, and this is usually used for landscape pictures. If you want to highlight something in particular, go with a lower aperture. This is ensure that the foreground will be in focus, while the background remains fuzzy. No matter your camera, there's probably a manual setting that has the options P,S,A, and M. The A option controls the aperture, and this is probably the most useful override for the average user.

2. Landscape Composition

Whenever shooting landscapes, there's a simple tip that will give your photos a more dramatic look and add depth. It's the rule of thirds. Break your photo up into 3 parts in your mind. Either 1/3 or 2/3 of the picture should make up the sky or the foreground, depending on where you want the focus of your shot. Most beginners put the horizon at exactly 1/2 of the photo, which doesn't have as much effect.

3. Shooting Extra-Sharp Images

This one's pretty basic. The key to shooting really sharp pictures is keeping your camera steady. Although most cameras these days have built in stabilizers, the majority of pictures still have a slight blur to them. The only way to truly avoid this is by using a tripod. Although not practical in all situations, this is the only true way to avoid blur.

4. Using ISO

The ISO setting on your camera determine the film speed. Basically what this means is that the higher you set the ISO, the more light is let into the camera. So when shooting in dark situations, the ISO can be increased to capture more light. Unfortunately while it lets in more light, it also increase the noise in your pictures. As a rule, keep the ISO as low as possible and only increase it slightly in dark situations.

5. Always Try To Shoot In Soft Light

Despite what you may think, the best time to shoot pictures is NOT in full daylight. This actually causes overexposure washes out details, and can create unwanted shadows. The best time to shoot is actually at dusk or dawn. If you have to shoot during the day, make sure you do it from the side, not with the sun directly behind or in front of you.

Follow these basic rules, and you'll start to see a great improvement in the quality of your pictures. Your SLR Digital Camera is a fantastic machine with great capabilities. The key is to experiment with it and make sure you're not under-utilizing it. If you're still looking for one, my favorite is the new Rebel T3i from Canon. You can read more about my review for this camera on my main page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amani_Lotegeluaki

Amani Lotegeluaki - EzineArticles Expert Author

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