Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pro Tips for Taking Better Portraits

The art of taking a portrait is one that needs to be worked on as it will take practice and dedication in order to perfect. A portrait is a photo, or a representation, of a living person. Most portraits tend to focus on the face, but taking better portraits means being able to capture the person's mood and expression as well.

While there is no true road map to taking better portraits, there are some simple techniques that many photographers use in order to get the most out of their portraits and you can easily institute these techniques into your portrait taking if you so desire.

Select the Proper Background

The perfect background is the gateway to great portraits. You should select a background that will help guide the viewer of the portrait to the exact point where you want them to go, such as the face. Choose colors that are not too loud and gaudy as too much going on in a background can easily take the viewer's attention away from where you want it. If you find that your background is too busy, you can always blur it and keep the focus on the person in your portrait.

Make Use of the Eyes

They say you can see into the soul of a person by looking into their eyes. Use your subjects eyes to your advantage by having them look in various directions and with various expressions on their face. This will more than likely have you taking several shots unlit you get what you are after, but when the perfect shot is taken, you will know it. Using the eyes is one of the easiest and best ways to take better portraits.

Experiment with Lighting

The many number of ways in which you can manipulate the light to affect your portrait are simply endless. You can adjust the light any way you see fit and simply experiment until you get the desired look you are after. If you are taking a portrait in the direct sunlight, you will need to take care that the sunlight doesn't overpower the shot, but other than that it is free reign. Use the light to your advantage and see how much better your portraits start to come out.

Use Angles

If you want to break away from the monotony of portrait taking, try messing with the angle of the shot. Why stick to the traditional horizontal and vertical position? Get a little creative and angle your camera while taking the shot. Don't be shy here as too little of an angle can leave the viewer wondering if you meant to angle the camera or you just made a simple mistake. Go big with your angles and let your next portrait really stand out.

Have Fun

Most importantly, if you want to take better portraits, you have to have fun with the process. Experimentation is the key to great success and with a little practice and patience, your portraits will surely come out better and better.

View the original article here

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